
Tuesday 2 September 2014

Make it Colourful Challenge 13

Hello friends, it's challenge time again and this months challenge is quite a mouthful lol
'Two Tone Monochromatic and Abstract Background'
Ok so here's my coloured image, using the gorgeous April and some Urban Spray Paint Elements from Make it Crafty
Sept 2014 Challenge 3
To make things interesting Zoe challenged me to create this into a Finnabair Inspired Project and my first thought was 'what is that?' so off to my best friend Google for some research only to find it is a messy project (I don't do messy)
Oh well it was a challenge and I'm always up for a challenge :)
So here's the project and this is briefly how I put it together.
First up these are the messy products I used
and my mess containment box lol
I started with an A4 355gms piece of card stock and very roughly painted it with the pink paint then placed the Chip board lettering on followed by the beautiful chippies that Zoe created.
I then placed all the flowers and embellishments until I was happy with there placement then used the Glue 'n' Seal with a small paintbrush to stick them down.
Off with the picture and on with the white Gesso covering all the chippies and the flowers.
Then came the spray paints, I held a piece a cardboard on the diagonal and squirted each side.
I placed the picture back on to see how it looked.
I wasn't happy with the excess paint on the chippies so I just dabbed them with a tissue.
I decided it need more white Gesso.
It just wasn't quite what I wanted, it was bugging me so when Zoe made a comment about the big flowers being too big I knew exactly what I had to do and out came the scissors to chop them off!
Yes that's much better :)
I then glued the image and embellishments - Done!
That sounds easy right? Well it wasn't hard as such but a little fiddly and time consuming.
Worth the effort though, thank you Zoe for gently pushing me out of my comfort zone.
So I hope I haven't confused anyone with this, the challenge is

The Finnabair Inspired project was an extra for me from Zoe, you are not expected to do this for the challenge. I really hope we see plenty of entries this month it really is fun!!
Andrea xx


  1. Wow Wow Wow! This is AWESOME! Looooove the 2 coloursfrom one corner to the next and Thanks for the demo and new word Finnabair even predictive text didn't know that one.

    1. Thank you Jenny, haha glad I extended your vocabulary xx
